
Letter from Dr. Crobinsky

My name is Dr. Crobinsky. My focus for a long time was on cryptography and blockchain. I spent over ten years researching how to integrate the human mind into the blockchain. Also, I experiment with a utility NFT collection. My goal is to build a team and community of intelligent, creative, and kind people. Trusting smart contracts more than smart people was my approach for a long time.

I called that project Cryptohood Club and its residents Crobins. There will be a fixed amount of Crobins ever minted. The total number is 13,653. They will be minted for +10 years. I hope you, guys, will build an incredible team to impact the world significantly.

Best Regards,

Dr. Crobinsky

Crobin Paper

About crobin

CryptoHood Club is a collection of 13,653 generative NFTs.

Each Crobin is a unique NFT that lives on the Ethereum blockchain. Each Сrobin’s owner becomes a full member of CryptoHood Club with the right to vote for future projects, unique utility, content, and experiences.

There will be six rounds of NFT sales.

10,000 NFTs will be minted in 5 rounds, and each round opens new perks, rewards, and achievements. The price of NFT will grow each round. So early you get Crobin is cheaper for you. Once 10,000 Crobins are minted, that will activate the CHC DAO mechanism.

Additional 3653 NFT will be minted one Crobin a day for ten years. 50% of sales will go to DAO Treasure over ten years; that’s a warranty for all of us that CHC is a long-term project. The Treasury fund will be used for creative ideas and projects that develop our Crobin ecosystem.

Our contract uses ERC721A, which makes minting optimized. As a result, the gas fee for one mint and five mints are nearly the same.



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